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“Healing Hearts & Forming Forever Family Ties”



To transform the future, cultures, and stigmas for the young adults that age out of the Foster Care System. TIA’s Place will become a family entity while housing aged out youth. We will be promoting and teaching self-sufficiency, raising self-esteem, and advocating for the well-being of our young adults. We will put support systems in place that will enrich the lives of this population through a mixture of education, financial planning, job readiness, individual/group trauma-informed counseling, and mentorship. TIA's Place will raise awareness, champion, supply, and network to ensure that this population will have every chance to thrive and secure brighter futures.


The vision of TIA’S PLACE is to end young adult homelessness after they age out of the Foster Care system. TIA’S PLACE will become the loving family that these young adults need and want. Our primary focus will be to show unconditional positive regard while becoming a strong support system that will last as long as it’s needed. We will encourage, mentor, and validate each person that walks through our doors.



Inspirational tee shirt



Inspirational tee shirt



Inspirational tee shirt

Essential Care Packages

Essential Care Packages

Essential Care Packages

Tia's Place

Tia's Place

Tia's Place Launch

Tia Roberts, Founder

Tia Roberts, Founder

Tia Roberts, Founder and CEO

Fish Fry Fundraiser 2020

Fish Fry Fundraiser 2020

Annual Fish Fry Fundraiser

Board Members

Board Members

Board Members

Tia's Place Launch

Tia's Place Launch

Personal Message from the Founder/CEO


A mother's love I've never had. Those I've lived with couldn't or wouldn't give me what I longed for, so I became angry to even the score. A family is all I've ever wanted. My anger turned into personal gain; if I can hurt another I wouldn't feel my pain. I carried this with me over the years and as I got older, I learned to fight my fears. If  I can help someone heal, it would be much easier for them to deal...


Resource Line
Ph: 610-773-1121

Tia Roberts, M.S., Founder/CEO


I was given up for adoption at birth. I was adopted by a loving and caring woman, who passed away from cancer when I was 4 years old. That was when my life began to change. I lived in many different homes with many different people all while enduring sexual and physical abuse.  I started running away from the abuse only to end up enduring it during my stay at the next home. A family member took me to Southern Home for Destitute Children because I was deemed a "problem child". I grew up a product of my experiences and environment. Needless to say as a teen all the way into adulthood I was on a path of destruction. I aimed to hurt others and myself in the process for the hurt I endured. I was not violent but I was determined to live up to the name "problem child". I took to the streets and became a menace.


I indulged in illegal activities, I found myself looking for love in all the wrong places, all while having the attitude that the world owed me something. I can remember waking up one morning from a night of partying thinking that I needed someone that would love me unconditionally. I decided to get pregnant, not caring to be with the father just wanting something/someone that I knew would never leave me or hurt me. My lifesaver was born on February 1, 1989, at 10:46 pm. The sad thing was I wasn't ready to be a mother at that time of my life as I was still heavily involved in the streets. My daughter had to be looked after by her grandmother until I was strong enough to face my fears, mature enough to not blame myself for the abuse I endured, and wise enough to know that I needed to love myself. Fast forward to now and me being the strong, courageous, educated, well-balanced, committed, driven, and humble person that I've grown to be. By the grace of God, my past will not negate my future. I have vowed to be an advocate, resource, and a constant reminder of self-worth to all that I get the chance to encounter.



If you would like to share your story or journey with us feel free to email us here. We would love to hear from you and share your story. 


Resource Line:

(610) 773-1121


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